Friday, September 12, 2008


Several months ago as I was speaking to a friend about forgiveness I felt something inside of me shift and remembered something my spirit knew already. We (people) are all about forgiving others at whatever level necessary in order to free ourselves from the ties or hooks that they have in us as long as we haven't forgiven. In addition to that, do we really want to be sending negative thoughts about that person out? It has been proven to be damaging to their overall health (proven in an experiment and labeled as the voodoo effect), to our own health, and even that of others who just feel it (negative, low energy) when they're in our presence. But what I really got in touch with is how it is so important to remember who we are dealing with first and that is our self. Even forgiving myself is an ongoing process. I go through a day and make choices - some of which work and some of which don't. When I make a choice and experience painful results I hold myself accountable and responsible. Sometimes I keep the energy within me of "What was I thinking?!" "How could I have said/done something so (fill in the blank)?!" Then I am still asking the universe to send it around again for me to figure out whatever it was I was thinking, saying, or doing when I SHOULD have by all rights known better. Of course an opportunity will present itself in order for me to learn to make a different choice. Instead of setting that up so carefully, what if I just say something like "it is done and I forgive myself. I am now free from that cycle." Not sure, but perhaps it's the key to whole new experiences.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Long time no posts here .. I am still available to help with blogging if you need it. I LOVED how the slide show turned out, except for the fact that heads are "cut" off on a few of them. There was no special music so the tunes in your head work for me :)
I do want to do the row quilt thing .. let me know what I owe you, etc.


Castle, from a distance

Rome, Italy

Rome, Italy

Mariager, dock

Mariager, dock
nice boat...

Mariager, Denmark

Mariager, Denmark
Love those Boats!

At Ulla & Ole's beach house

At Ulla & Ole's beach house
God does make little green apples in the summertime


Thatched roof cottage/restaurant

Tonder, Denmark

Tonder, Denmark
Row House front


popular round windows

Tonder Tourist Gift Shop

Tonder Tourist Gift Shop
Roll out this Welcome Mat!


Red Boat in a Moat

Danish Doors

Danish Doors

More Doorways

More Doorways
Tonder Door circa 1700's


Lavendar, daisies in the garden

Tante Thura's 96th Birthday

Tante Thura's 96th Birthday
Handpainted plate by Tante Thura

Home Away from Home

Home Away from Home
Assentoft; Sophiacloster

Tante Thura's 96th Birthday

Tante Thura's 96th Birthday
Mor Anna

Doorways to within

Doorways to within
Church door in Denmark


Castle Door


Rooftop view from a Castle

Highest Hillside in Copenhagen

Highest Hillside in Copenhagen
Mama Ewe strays away

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!
Kai, October 2007


Happy wedding day Sept. 2007

Ocean City

Ocean City

Atlantic Ocean

Atlantic Ocean
Happy together summer 2007

Lavendar Crest Winery

Lavendar Crest Winery
complete with lavendar pigs

Lavendar Crest Winery

Lavendar Crest Winery
Road trip to Boston, 2007

Bridge across the Mississippi River

Bridge across the Mississippi River
Crossing in the Mayflower

Somewhere in Midwest

Somewhere in Midwest
NoWhere or NowHere?


Alden loves Kai


Chloe & Aleena at FarFar's