Wednesday, November 5, 2008

"Ouch, Charley"

I hurt when I hurt. This is a characteristic of human nature that I recognized years ago upon observing the behavior of individuals as they struggled with terminal illness. At times they would attempt to blame others around them for their discomfort, or even the illness itself. The overused cliche' rears up to say "misery loves company!", and indeed, if we reach down deep enough to the source, grab it with both hands, dredge it up and throw it out, are we really that cognizant of the pain it causes others? Or are we desperately begging someone, anyone, to lift our burden if only for a moment? I found myself guilty of such behavior, and although I am not terminally ill, I discovered that uneasiness in any one of the pillars that hold us up can and do cause pain. Emotional and spiritual disconnect, financial setbacks, physical injuries or illnesses arrive at our door and stay like unwanted guests until we find the grace to master them, or they overtake us. So, I hurt and even though I remember the lessons my father taught me as he suffered the physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial strains of a terminal illness, I haven't the strength he had to accept it alone.

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Castle, from a distance

Rome, Italy

Rome, Italy

Mariager, dock

Mariager, dock
nice boat...

Mariager, Denmark

Mariager, Denmark
Love those Boats!

At Ulla & Ole's beach house

At Ulla & Ole's beach house
God does make little green apples in the summertime


Thatched roof cottage/restaurant

Tonder, Denmark

Tonder, Denmark
Row House front


popular round windows

Tonder Tourist Gift Shop

Tonder Tourist Gift Shop
Roll out this Welcome Mat!


Red Boat in a Moat

Danish Doors

Danish Doors

More Doorways

More Doorways
Tonder Door circa 1700's


Lavendar, daisies in the garden

Tante Thura's 96th Birthday

Tante Thura's 96th Birthday
Handpainted plate by Tante Thura

Home Away from Home

Home Away from Home
Assentoft; Sophiacloster

Tante Thura's 96th Birthday

Tante Thura's 96th Birthday
Mor Anna

Doorways to within

Doorways to within
Church door in Denmark


Castle Door


Rooftop view from a Castle

Highest Hillside in Copenhagen

Highest Hillside in Copenhagen
Mama Ewe strays away

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!
Kai, October 2007


Happy wedding day Sept. 2007

Ocean City

Ocean City

Atlantic Ocean

Atlantic Ocean
Happy together summer 2007

Lavendar Crest Winery

Lavendar Crest Winery
complete with lavendar pigs

Lavendar Crest Winery

Lavendar Crest Winery
Road trip to Boston, 2007

Bridge across the Mississippi River

Bridge across the Mississippi River
Crossing in the Mayflower

Somewhere in Midwest

Somewhere in Midwest
NoWhere or NowHere?


Alden loves Kai


Chloe & Aleena at FarFar's